Common questions people ask about hose reels


Owning a hose reel can go a long way in helping you extend the longevity of your hose. It will also help promote order and organization in your yard as your hose will be stored away neatly. By doing so, the hose reel will prevent tripping accidents, especially if you have kids running around your compound. For this reason, people spend hundreds of dollars on the best hose reels on the market.

Questions people ask about hose reels

Below are some of the main questions asked about these products;

What is a hose reel?

A hose reel is a mechanism with a cylindrical drum where hoses are placed. They allow for easy access and protection of the hoses. The hose reel drum can be made of various materials like fiberglass, different types of metal, and plastic. They also come in varying sizes depending on the brand, style, and application.

Other than hoses, what other items can be stored on hose reels?

As mentioned earlier, hose reels are used to store hoses. However, they can also be used for storing other components. They include:

  • Cables- This is the case with robotic hose reels. Cable hose reels are used to keep work areas free of clutter. They are usually smaller than hose reels used for water hoses because of the size of cables. They can also hold a larger cable capacity than the hose capacity of the same device.
  • Ropes and wires– they can also be used for holding and allowing easy access to ropes and wires in various industries.
  • Power cords– power cord hose reels are used primarily for storing power cords. Their help provides safety and convenient access. They also come in various thicknesses and cord capacities. A standard power cord hose reel can hold between 30 to 250 feet worth of hose.

It is also worth mentioning that hose reels are not only used to hold one type of hose. They can be used for several hose types. For instance, they can be used for air hoses, pressure washer hoses, hydraulic hoses, and firefighting hoses. This is a testament to the large range of hose reel applications.

How much does a hose reel cost?

A typical hose reel costs between 100-300 dollars. However, this price depends on the brand. Some brands offer products for less than a hundred dollars while others have products costing more than thre hundred dollars. The type, design, size, material, and application of the hose reel also affect the price. For instance, a firefighting hose reel costs more than a gardening hose reel.

Where can you use a hose reel

As mentioned above, the applications of hose reels are limitless. However, they can be split into two categories; at-home and industrial applications. At-home applications include things like cleaning cars and watering the garden. On the other hand, industrial hose reels can be used for carrying beverage, oil, chemical, and water hose reels.


Giraffe Tools is the place to go if you are looking for the best hose reel on the market! The company offers the most innovative and affordable hose reels. This includes industrial and general-purpose hose reels.

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Valenslife has ten years of experience in the technology field. He started his career as a software engineer and quickly rose through the ranks to become a project manager. He is now a product manager and leads a team of engineers who develop new products.


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